Execute a Swap

Use the response from the previous step to perform a swap

As outlined in the previous page, the /routes endpoint will return data with the shape of:

interface ReturnData {
    expectedOut: string,
    routerAddress: Address,
    details: {
        path: Address[],
        pairs: Address[],
        extras: string[],
        inputAmount: BigNumberString,
        expectedOutputAmount: BigNumberString,
        deadline: number,
        partner: number,
        sig: string

type Address = string
type BigNumberString = string 

For executing a swap, every field that is needed is contained within the details object.

Here is a breakdown of the details object:



Array of strings

An array containing token addresses in order of the swap route. The final item in the path should be the outputToken that was supplied in the previous query.


Array of strings

An array containing addresses of trade pairs, in order of the swap route.


Array of strings

Extra data needed for each pair.



Non decimal-adjusted input amount. Same value as supplied to the endpoint.



Non decimal-adjusted expected output amount. This value should be used, along with some slippage value, to determine the minimum expected output.



Unix timestamp (seconds) of when the trade must be executed by.



The tenant id for the corresponding api key supplied in the request from Query a Swap



Signed message verifying the tenant id along with various other aspects of the trade. If this is modified at all then the user will incur a 1% fee due to the contract not being able to verify the authorizer of the swap.

The details purposefully details the struct recognized by the Swap router as SwapPayload. This struct looks like:

struct SwapPayload {
		address[] path;
		address[] pairs;
		bytes[] extras;
		uint256 inputAmount;
		uint256 minOutputAmount;
		uint256 expectedOutputAmount;
		address to;
		uint deadline;
		uint256 partner;
		bytes sig;
function swapExactInputForOutput(
		SwapPayload calldata details
	) external returns (uint256 outputAmount);

Once the transaction has been created, use the user's preferred wallet provider to sign the transaction and send it to be committed on chain.

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